
New Outplacement Programme

At Daryl Upsall International we know that organisations are facing difficult times and that career transition following organisational restructure can be a stressful and time-consuming process for organisations and individuals to face alone.

Career transition forms an integral part of the employee lifecycle, ensuring that employees leaving the organisation feel supported and helps to maintain employee engagement and protect organisational brand.

Using our extensive experience in the non-profit sector across recruitment, consulting, and training we have developed a tailor made programme to support staff across all levels of seniority to make a successful transition to the next chapter of their professional life. We work with each individual, blending our not for profit experience with cognitive behavioural coaching, practical job skills and career support in our three-step: Ready! Set! Go! process.


The first step in career transition is to take stock and analyse what is the next right step and to bring together an individual’s career history to inform future decisions. Through a one-to-one structured coaching session, we use our sector and coaching expertise to conduct a job analysis of  individual’s strengths, abilities and personal circumstances to establish career priorities and begin to formulate a step by step personal career plan that delivers insightful, tailored and practical insight for the individual.


Once we have an established direction of travel, we help individuals work on their personal brand devising the necessary collateral to hit the ground running in a competitive job market. We work with individuals to get their CV market ready and to maximise their LinkedIn profiles with relevant content to ensure maximum networking.


Now we are ready to go! With the necessary materials and personal career plan ready it is time to implement.  Armed with a career plan from step one individuals have the necessary information to make targeted approaches and know where the best roles are can begin searching and applying for roles that match their needs.  We are on hand as a sounding board and offer set check in sessions to help track progress. We can provide interview training to brush up on skills and help individuals present their experience in the best way.

For more information on our Career Outplacement Programme please contact Zoe Oldham