29 Mar Pernille Brodahl, new Head of Fundraising and Marketing for Sightsavers Norway
Daryl Upsall Consulting International would like to congratulate Pernille Brodahl on her new role as Head of Fundraising and Marketing for Sightsavers Norway. This is what Sightsavers had to say about working with us (again) :
“I would be happy to recommend Daryl Upsall for recruitment. We have used them twice now, in different countries. The level of service is superb and it makes, what could have been a very difficult process, easy and stress free!” Becki Jupp, Director, Global Individual Giving and Marketing.
And the new Head of Fundraising and Marketing told us the following about how working with us had been:
“I liked the feeling of being guided and encouraged throughout the Whole process. I felt appreciated and supported not only for my skills but also as a person you would like to work with.” Pernille Brodahl , Head of Marketing and Fundraising, Sightsavers Norway.