Who We Are

Let us introduce you to Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke

Senior International Consultant

With Daryl Upsall International, Sonya helps nonprofit organisations with her in-depth understanding of the ways INGOs can truly bring about global growth. She understands not only the potential of most global markets but knows how both the national entity and the international support team need to function to be effective in growing global income.

Sonya Burke has twenty years fundraising experience. The first decade of her career was spent managing Individual Giving programmes in her native market, the UK. She then devoted herself to fundraising in other markets, undertaking senior national positions or international support roles for organisations such as Médecins Sans Frontieres, Save the Children and Amnesty International in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Sonya has seen how fundraising relies on all functions of an organisation and in the past few years in internal and consultancy roles has been supporting Fundraising Directors, CEOs and Boards to develop the right structure, capacities and culture to bring about real growth. Sonya can therefore offer strategic, technical, tactical and organisational development capacity.